Celebrating 33 years of recognising Inspiring Women
In2024, we worked hard behind the scenes to put together another memorable Inspiring Women Awards lunch. Drinks Reception, Entertainment, Guest Award Announcers, Finalist Interviews, and a 5* Lunch.
Credit: Shar Sangster
Credit: Pall Mall
Credit: Zebra Partnership
Our 2025 Finalists
Nadia Ali
Make a Difference
Aliza Ayaz
TORI Global
Khurshid Bano
Da Hawwa Lur (Daughters of Eve)
Sophia Ben-Yousef
Pamela Evans
The Digger Lady
Bana Gora
Muslim Women’s Council
Frohar Hamidi
Sun’s Girls Organization
Georgia Kirke
Dr Salmabanu Ismailbhai Luhar
The University of Sheffield
Roya Rasouli
Kirsty Rogers
Sally Orange MBE
Shar Sangster
Manchester’s Got Talent Youth
Kate Valentine
Singing Mamas
Karen Wallis
Emmanus Preston
Carol Ann Whitehead
The Zebra Partnership
33 years and still going strong
Over the past 33 years, the Inspiring Women Awards lunch has become known for giving a platform to the finalists to share their stories in their own words. Guests always comment that they don’t know how we find these remarkable women year on year, but are glad we do and so are we. The Awards exist to share these stories and shine a light on these inspiring women and 2024 was another good year for doing just that.
“I had the most incredible day at the Inspiring Women Awards. To hear so many powerful women telling their stories was a total honour, and to have won the Sustainable Award for Women Making An Impact was the cherry on the cake! The awards are proof that women have a lot more power than society brings them up to believe, so long may they continue!”
Nicole Broad, Sustainability award winner 2024
“I’m so proud to have won the Here Come The Girls award and stand alongside the talented and passionate women nominated in the other categories. It meant a great deal to have my work and causes recognised, surrounded by so many phenomenal and diverse women working to make the world a better and more equitable place. I haven’t stopped smiling since the awards lunch, it’s an experience I know will keep me boosted, and stoke the fire in my belly as I continue to move forward. I hope my story connects with and inspires other women to stand up for themselves and each other”.
Kerry Daynes, Here come the Girls award winner 2023
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Nominations for the 34th annual Inspiring Women Awards (2026) are now open and close on 31/12/2025. The shortlist will be published in February 2026 and the winners announced at the Awards lunch on 21st May 2026.
Be inspired
Founded in 1992, the Inspiring Women Awards have, over the past 30 years, publicly recognised and promoted the achievements of 100’s women who live or work in the North West of England, North Wales and in 2022, nationally and internationally. Many of our award winners have gone on to receive further recognition through our Honours system and in 2023, three more were honoured: Dr Gee Walker MBE; Marie McCourt MBE and Dee Drake BEM.
These evolving Awards have stood the test of time because at their heart is the desire to continue finding and recognising those women who inspire us.
“The Inspiring Women Awards shine a light on hundreds of inspirational women from all walks of life in the North West of England and North Wales. Publicly celebrating and promoting the achievements of women in business and the community is critical to ensuring the impact they are having is recognised, and it also provides a cadre of visible role models to inspire the next generation of leaders. I am honoured and humbled to have received the 2019 Constance Award, and am determined to continue quietly making a difference in all that I do.“
Sharon Thorne, Deloitte
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