2022 Digital & Technology Innovator Award winner Beckie Taylor reaches out

It was predicted that by 2022, 1 in 4 tech leadership roles would be held by women. A small team of passionate people and some powerful contributors are sharing their expertise, resources, and lessons to encourage and inspire #MoreThan1in4 women into leadership.

The campaign, #MoreThan1in4 focuses on four pillars: Journey, Confidence, Profile and Leadership. We’d love to see your support over on social! Search #MoreThan1in4.

Each pillar is drawn from The Confidence Collective. A powerful and inclusive programme that has changed the lives of more than 100 women. Led by the award-winning leader, CEO and Mum, Beckie Taylor, this programme has resulted in huge confidence and leadership growth both personally and professionally for so many people.

If you’re interested in taking part in the Confidence Collective programme as part of your professional development, there are two programmes kicking off on October 27th (Manchester) and November 10th (London).



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