Round 1 contemplations are done – now to Round 2 final deliberations

With all nominations in, nominees notified and Round 1 judging completed, its now on to the final judging stages for the 2025 Inspiring Women Awards.

Its now down to the independent judges to find the stories of those women who will be inspiring us – telling their own stories in their own words at the 33rd Inspiring Women Awards lunch 16/05/2025.

“The Inspiring Women Awards are now a permanent feature in the Hall Brown Family Law calendar” Claire Reid, Partner at Hall Brown.

Every year, those attending the lunch feedback that it was the ‘best ever’, with stories of innovation, courage, campaigning and selfless acts. And every year, thats down to those people making the effort to nominate, the nominees themselves and finally the judges managing to find those stories that inspire.


Looking at the Round 2 shortlist, its clear the standard is, as ever, high. The names of Finalists will be published on the website from early February, followed by weekly pen-portraits of the Finalists.

Finalists will be interviewed at the Awards Lunch, where winners will be announced. Its shaping up to be a fantastic 2025 for Finalists and Attendees alike.

“On behalf of Emmelia and I, just wanted to say a massive thank you and congratulations for arranging, running and hosting such a fabulous event. What a turn out 2024 was. The atmosphere was wonderful, guest speakers both interesting and dynamic and the nominees were just so diverse and interesting. It takes a lot to get an event to run smoothly – and wow  did you achieve that!” Jacqui Davidson-Slack, Award Sponsor, Premier Wealth Solutions

Details & bookings for the 2025 Awards can be found here

Thanks to Vinicius “amnx” Amano for use of photo.