With judging and due dilligence now completed, we are delighted to reveal the names of our 2025 Finalists. Across 6 categories, these women emerged after 3 rounds of judging. Never an easy task, but we hope that when they all share their stories at the 33rd annual Inspiring Women Awards lunch on 16th May 2025, you will undertsand why we are excited by this line up.
The heart of the Awards has always been, and will always be, about giving a platform to these extraordinary women to share their achievements and inspire others.
The Finalists are recognised across 6 categories: Community, Entrepreneur, Here Come the Girls, Women Making Waves, Sustainable Award for Women Making an Impact, and the Inspiring Young Woman Award.
So what can you expect?
In the Community category for example, is the woman who experienced drug addiction, homelessness and prison – little knowing that the charity that helped her at her lowest, would become the charity she would go on to lead as a deputy CEO.
From the entrepreneur ‘Digger Lady’ making a smash in the construction industry to the founder of the Muslim Women’s Council, a finalist in Here Come the Girls category, all these 15 women have an inspiring story to share.
Over the next two months we will be sharing pen portraits of our Finalists and guest award announcers – giving you a taste of whats to come at the Awards Lunch.
Visit our Home Page for the full list of Finalists, our Events Page for details of the Awards Lunch and our Bookings Page for ticket details and bookings.